This much fun is good.
It's safe.
It's guaranteed.
保證: guarantee
You're in a rut.
And I am a rut-buster.
I'm going to bust your rut.
弄壞、打破: bust
(Barney 說他是 "rut-buster" 是說他要當打破Ted的常規的那個人)
弄壞、打破: bust
(Barney 說他是 "rut-buster" 是說他要當打破Ted的常規的那個人)
有看過飛哥與小佛的朋友可能常聽到 busted! 這個字
飛哥的姐姐Candace 每次都想要讓她的弟弟們「倒大楣」,她的英文其實是說要揭露她弟弟們的事情,要 bust them!
It's not a rut, okay? It's a routine, and I like it.
例行事項: routine
two handsome international businessmen just back from a lucrative trip to Japan.
賺錢的: lucrative
Now you can either put the bags on the carousel now, or you can listen to me give you a really long speech convincing you to put the bags on the carousel.
行李輸送帶: carousel
說服: convince
either...or : 這個...或那個 (二選一)
(複習一下either...or 句型)
Follow them.
Ticket's on me.
Ticket's on me.
On me: 算我頭上
如果和朋友吃飯,朋友說 "Dinner's on me!" 意思就是「晚餐我請客!」
don't you dare get on that escalator!
Dare: 敢....
Don't you dare...: 你敢...
How dare you!: 你竟敢!
(真心話大冒險的英文就是 "truth or dare" = 說真心話或是做一件不敢做的事)
手扶梯: escalator VS 電梯: elevator
Being a lawyer had better be awesome.
最好: had better
Oh, yeah, you know me-- I'm the jealous type.
jealous: 吃醋
jealous type: 愛吃醋那型
This is an outrage!
Look, this is all just It's a misunderstanding.
You had to play the race card.
play the...card : 打...牌
ex: 打同情牌 = play the sympathy card
打女友牌: play the girlfriend card
You both retain the right to refuse to answer any questions without an attorney present,
保持: retain
拒絕: refuse
律師(美式說法): attorney
在場: present
No, no, don't interrupt.
打擾: interrupt
Our relationship is built on mutual trust. 讓...發生 (通常是困難的事)
常見的用法是 pull it off
在電影中也常聽到人家說 you pull the hairstyle off, 也可以用來形容人把不好看的髮型(或是各種造型) 呈現的很好看
All I wanted was to have a regular beer at my regular bar with my regular friends in my regular city.
Look, our forefathers died for the pursuit of happiness, okay?
追求: pursuit