

目前顯示的是 2016的文章

周子瑜事件 (二) BBC報導

點這裡看第一篇澳洲報導 文章節錄自BBC:  http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-35320445 Taiwan votes in crucial elections                      (重要) The K-pop dimension (角度、觀點) Taiwan's election has an unlikely third main protagonist - 16-year-old Chou Tzuyu of South Korean girl band Twice. unlikely: 不太可能 (因為在選舉中一位在韓國的臺灣藝人變成主角實在很少見,所以用unlikely來形容很適合) protagonist: 主角 The Taiwanese singer has appeared in a video bowing and apologising (in Mandarin) after being seen waving a Taiwan flag - in a row that has dominated local media coverage . Chou said she felt "proud to be Chinese" and said there was "only one China" - but many on the island felt she had been coerced into saying sorry. row: 行為 (row我們比較常看到是當成動詞「划」的意思 EX: row a boat 划船,但是這裡是當成名詞 「行為」) dominate: 主宰、主導、控制 media coverage: 媒體報導 coerced into: 強迫 Presidential frontrunner Tsai Ing-wen insisted holding a Taiwan flag was "a legitimate expression of national identity ...

周子瑜事件 各國媒體報導

這次的周子瑜事件讓我想起一些在國外交流的經驗 不管是在美國當交換學生、在澳洲遊學、在日本參加國際會議、在北京以「中華台北」臺灣青年代表的身分參加APEC會議,都被問過我對兩岸關係的看法。 還記得在美國的時候,一位美國同學興致高昂的當著我和一群大陸朋友的面問我 "Are you Chinese or Taiwanese?" 期待著我和大陸同學進行一場激烈辯論,而我的大陸室友急忙說 "Let's not talk about this sensitive issue."  為了更了解國際關係,在美國交換的時候我修了International Relations 。在課堂上,老師邀請我分享臺灣的處境,我發現有些外國人支持臺灣、有些認為我們就是中國人, 更多人則是沒意見。 我想很多在國外待過的朋友都有過這樣的經歷 這種無奈和心痛是其他國家的人所無法體會的。 但是換個角度想,生長在臺灣這塊土地上讓我們有機會經歷這種特殊體驗,不也讓我們的思想更多元、更能包容來自各方的聲音嗎? 所以周子瑜事件除了看臺灣媒體的報導,也可以看看大陸、澳洲、英國的報導~順便學英文!: 第一篇節錄自澳洲媒體: The Australian Financial Review (我很喜歡作者下的標題,所以放第一篇XD) Taiwan election: Pop singer rocks the vote                                                 (不覺得這個標題很有趣嗎XD) As voters across Taiwan headed to the polls on Saturday, the public apology from a young pop singer who was accused of being an independence activist after waving the Taiwanese flag, has put the spot...

周子瑜事件 (三) 上海Shanghaiist 報導

文章節錄自Shanghaiist:  http://shanghaiist.com/2016/01/16/chou-tzuyu-presidential-candidates.php 點這裡看第一篇澳洲報導 點這裡看第二篇BBC報導 Taiwan's presidential candidates unite after apology by K-pop singer Chou Tzu-yu over flag scandal (醜聞) 從用scandal這個字可以看出來這篇文章作者的觀點 A tearful apology by 16-year-old K-pop singer Chou Tzuyu for waving the Taiwanese flag in an online-only segment of a South Korean reality show has sparked a rare show of unity among the presidential candidates from Taiwan's three major political parties. Chinese netizens were angered after Tzuyu was seen waving the South Korean flag in one hand and the Taiwanese flag in the other, with many accusing her of profiting from her mainland Chinese audience while holding a pro-independence stance . unite: 團結 (EX; United States of America=很多 states(州)團結而變成美國)  unite (V) unity (N) sparked a rare show of unity: 引起罕見的團結 (rare=罕見) tearful: 含淚的、聲淚俱下 (影片好像沒那麼誇張?!) 第一句很長,意思其實很簡單: 16歲韓國流行歌手周子瑜為了她在南韓實境秀揮舞國旗含淚道歉,而這引起了臺灣三位主要...

要去投票嗎? To Vote or Not To Vote?

A major event is going to happen tomorrow. 明天有個重大活動 就是... 臺灣總統大選! Taiwan's presidential election! 不只要選總統,還要選立法委員 先來看看新聞英文~~等一下來看討論! 以下文字節錄自 Focus Taiwan:  http://focustaiwan.tw/news/aipl/201601150011.aspx Taiwan to elect new president, Legislature Saturday 2016/01/15  Taipei, Jan. 15 (CNA) Taiwanese voters will go to the polls Saturday to elect a new president and a new Legislature , and the results are expected later in the day. There are just over 18.78 million eligible voters in the country's 22 cities and counties, according to the Central Election Commission (CEC). It said 15,582 polling stations across the country will be open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, and preliminary results will become available within hours of the polls closing. 一開始看到標題寫 "elect new president, Legislature" 覺得很奇怪,因為「立法委員」不是legislator 嗎? 為什麼是選 "Legislature" 立法機構?? 看了好幾篇新聞才知道 選立委 在英文的說法是  elect a new Legislature 選出新的立法機構   而不是 elect new legislators polli...