點這裡看第一篇澳洲報導 文章節錄自BBC: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-35320445 Taiwan votes in crucial elections (重要) The K-pop dimension (角度、觀點) Taiwan's election has an unlikely third main protagonist - 16-year-old Chou Tzuyu of South Korean girl band Twice. unlikely: 不太可能 (因為在選舉中一位在韓國的臺灣藝人變成主角實在很少見,所以用unlikely來形容很適合) protagonist: 主角 The Taiwanese singer has appeared in a video bowing and apologising (in Mandarin) after being seen waving a Taiwan flag - in a row that has dominated local media coverage . Chou said she felt "proud to be Chinese" and said there was "only one China" - but many on the island felt she had been coerced into saying sorry. row: 行為 (row我們比較常看到是當成動詞「划」的意思 EX: row a boat 划船,但是這裡是當成名詞 「行為」) dominate: 主宰、主導、控制 media coverage: 媒體報導 coerced into: 強迫 Presidential frontrunner Tsai Ing-wen insisted holding a Taiwan flag was "a legitimate expression of national identity ...
學習英文是我的興趣~但是我都用看電影、看影集、閱讀小說、時事、聽音樂、唱歌、聊天、等生活化的方式邊玩邊學~~ 歡迎你有空一起來玩 :D