

目前顯示的是 4月, 2015的文章

看影集學英文: How I Met Your Mother S1 ep4

I am a journalist . 平常「記者」大家應該都會想到"reporter",但是英文比較常用的是"journalist",像是「新聞業」叫做journalism,「新聞系」叫做department of journalism.  I'm not going to jeopardize my promotion by saying "booger" for 50 bucks. 危及: jeopardize 升遷: promotion I could have sworn I hated bourbon. 發誓: swear (過去式): swore Maybe it's time to start forming some second impressions . 印象: impression 說到「印象」我們常說的是「第一印象」"first impression" 在這邊Ted 想要去創造一些新的「第二」印象  Back when I lived in L. A. , I was pretty broke 破產: broke (口語) 有一齣美劇就叫做"Two Broke Girls" 翻譯成「破產姊妹花」  and I hit this hitchhiker . Well, did she cry her eyes out ? 英文說"cry her eyes out" 「哭到眼睛都掉出來了!」我覺得描寫得很生動~~很有趣XD  maybe we should just call it a day . call it a day: 就到這邊吧! 原本是用工作上,老闆說「今天就工作到這裡,下班吧!」 後來延伸到生活中,要結束一件事情的時候都可以用 。 On her answering machine !?  Okay, in my client's defense , 替...辯護: in... defense defense:...

看影集學英文: How I Met Your Mother S1 ep3

This much fun is good. It's safe. It's guaranteed . 保證: guarantee You're in a rut. And I am a rut-buster. I'm going to bust your rut. 一成不變的事:rut 弄壞、打破: bust (Barney 說他是 "rut-buster" 是說他要當打破Ted的常規的那個人) 有看過飛哥與小佛的朋友可能常聽到 busted! 這個字 飛哥的姐姐Candace 每次都想要讓她的弟弟們「倒大楣」,她的英文其實是說要揭露她弟弟們的事情,要 bust them ! It's not a rut, okay? It's a routine , and I like it. 例行事項: routine two handsome international businessmen just back from a lucrative trip to Japan. 賺錢的: lucrative  Now you can either put the bags on the carousel now, or you can listen to me give you a really long speech convincing you to put the bags on the carousel. 行李輸送帶: carousel 說服: convince either...or : 這個...或那個 (二選一)  (複習一下either...or 句型) Follow them. Ticket's on me . On me: 算我頭上 如果和朋友吃飯,朋友說 "Dinner's on me!" 意思就是「晚餐我請客!」  don't you dare get on that escalator !  Dare: 敢.... Don't y...