In excruciating detail. 提到每一個細節: in detail 折磨: excruciating I made a complete fool of myself . 讓自己像笨蛋一樣: made a fool of myself You went from , "I think I'm in love with you" to "I'm not gonna call her"? go 從...到... I wasn't in love with her, okay? I was briefly in love with the abstract concept of getting married. (常常有人說: 你並不是愛上我,只是愛上「愛情」,在這邊 Ted 就說,我只是愛上「結婚」這個抽象概念。) Look who I ran into . 巧遇: run into/ bump into I can't ask her out , because if I ask her out, I'm asking her out. Ask someone out: 可以只是單純約出來見面,也可以是約會,所以 Ted 怕約她出來會讓她覺得他想要「約會」。 Now, if only I knew her schedule, I could arrange a chance encounter. That's great, Ted-- you'll be the most casual stalker ever. 跟蹤狂: stalker (以前的跟蹤狂通常是真的在跟蹤,但現在會瘋狂追蹤別人的facebook 的人也常常被稱作 stalker,是現代版跟蹤狂) Lily had been, well, extra affectionate . 愛: affection (這邊翻譯成「貪心」,但應該是「更加愛他」比較貼切) I have ...
學習英文是我的興趣~但是我都用看電影、看影集、閱讀小說、時事、聽音樂、唱歌、聊天、等生活化的方式邊玩邊學~~ 歡迎你有空一起來玩 :D